From the moment you got engaged it’s been about the ring.
You probably dreamt about it, imagined what it would be like to have that
sparkling diamond on your finger, and just about hyperventilated when you
finally received it.
After you have chosen a photographer, make sure they know
you want a few fun shots of that ring (oh yeah, his can be in there too). I’m
not talking about the classic hands in the flower shots – not that those are
bad, just a little old school. You want to be able to see the details in that
ring, no matter how big or small, this is your ring!
Most photographers will already know that this is a key shot
they need to take, but just in case, make sure you let them know it’s important
to you. Maybe it won’t be the picture you get printed on a 30x40 canvas but who
knows, if it’s cool enough, maybe you will!